
Shirley Kilpatrick Profile

Shirley Kilpatrick
Shirley Kilpatrick
Photo of Shirley Kilpatrick
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(Shirley Jean Abbott)
4 October 35 is born in Los Angeles California to Wilbur C and Ruth Abbott, nee Lindgren. Wilbur is a veteran of World War I and a salesman. Ruth is an immigrant from Sweden and a model.
16 September 52 marries Robert William Kilpatrick in Los Angeles, California
July 53 competes in Miss Venice Beach
54 advertises Vic Tanny's Hi-Protein Food Supplement in Los Angeles, California
May 54 is featured in Picture Scope
July 54 is featured in People Today
July 54 appears in the film Silver Lode
September 54 is featured in Gala
March 55 is featured in Tempo
December 55 is featured in Chicks and Chuckles
is featured in Male Life
56 becomes "Miss Bay Beach," promoted by George Bruce, famous Van Nuys salon-gymnasium operator
March 56 is featured in Gala
June 56 is featured in Bold
October 56 is featured in Chicks and Chuckles
November 56 is featured in The Male Point of View
57 is featured in Modern Man Quarterly
5 January 57 marries actor Parker Eggleston in Clark County, Nevada
February 57 is featured in Peep Show
April 57 stars in The Astounding She-Monster
June 57 is featured in Caper
August 57 is featured in Gent
September 57 is featured in PIC
November 57 is featured in Foto-Rama
December 57 is featured in Frolic
58 is featured in Candid
February 58 is featured in High - The Tall Magazine
May 58 is featured in Mermaid
is featured in PIC
26 June 58 her daughter, Karen Ruth, is born in Los Angeles, California
is featured in Scamp
August 58 is featured in True Men
November 58 is featured in Caper
? divorces Eggleston. He will die on June 25, 1981 at the age of 45.
59 is featured in Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads
Spring 59 is featured in Figure Quarterly
March 59 is featured in Hi-Life
April 59 is featured in Stare
? is featured in Man's Favorite Pastime
May 59 is on the cover of Hit Show
June 59 is featured in Wildcat
August 59 columnist Mike Connolly tells: "Producer Phil Waxman signed an 'unknown' to play the important role of the Chicago stripteaser opposite Sal Mineo in The Gene Krupa Story at Columbia. Her name is Shirley Kilpatrick. But her name on the sign outside the Lake Club in Bellflower, California, where she strips on her evenings off from stripping in Krupa is Celeste Kirk."
September 59 is featured in Spree
is featured in VUE
December 59 is featured in Frolic
February 60 is featured in Man's Action
6 August 60 marries Antonio Maldarella in Clark County, Nevada
60 she lives with Maldarella at 1350 Edgecliffe Drive in Los Angeles, California. She is a registered Democrat.
December 60 is featured in Play
62 is featured in Black Satin
is featured in Jubilee
divorces Maldarella
4 April 63 marries Donald Warner Coffman in Clark County, Nevada
October 63 is featured in A-OK for Men
? divorces Coffman. He will die on July 5, 1967 at age 40.
September 64 is featured in Battle Cry
December 64 is featured in Gaze
April 65 is featured in Men in Adventure
May 65 is featured in Battle Cry
22 May 66 marries Joseph Boyce Settle in Clark County, Nevada. He owns a nursery in Hollywood.
December 67 is featured in Expose Detective
? writes poetry for the Las Vegas Review-Journal
is self-employed as a psychic
19 March 71 as Shirley J. Settle, she dies in Las Vegas, Nevada from an overdose of drugs
March 71 is buried at Woodlawn Cemetery in Las Vegas, Nevada
Late 90s filmmaker Nathan Schiff suggests a resemblance between her and Brooklyn Heights-born Shirley Stoler (1929 - 1999). Both Shirleys are conceivably the same age and height; their mouths, eyebrows, cheeks, and hairlines are similar.
21 is painted by Olivia De Berardinis in a portrait called "Babycakes"
24 is featured in Classic Images
Van Nuys News, Star-News, The Times, The Valley Times, The Los Angeles Times, Evening Vanguard,, Samuel Claesson, Karen Caylor
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